Happy Thanksgiving! Many people take this time of year to talk about what they are thankful for. Here at Fairmont Farm, we feel fortunate to have so much to be thankful for today and everyday.
We are thankful for…..

Our senior generation that inspired us to get into dairy farming,

and helped us get started in a great partnership!

Our family that is passionate about our farm and loves working together to make Fairmont everything it is today.

Our 4th generation that loves helping out on the farm!

New additions to the family….Carson,


and Sophie!

Our employees that take excellent care of our cows,

keep the barns clean,

and milk our cows three times a day around the clock.

Our wonderful neighbors who are interested in our farm and support us farming in our community.

Cabot for buying our milk and making it into the worlds best cheddar!

Manure, to give our crops the nutrients they need to grow…

and new technology that allows us to operate more efficiently.

A great crop of corn to harvest for our cows,

lots of feed in the bunk,

and a surplus of corn silage to harvest allowing us to pick high moisture corn.

Weather that allowed us to get 4 cuttings of haylage, 5 on some fields, and gorgeous fields to farm!

Our feeder that makes sure our cows are fed everyday using the crops that we harvest.

Local teachers and students that come to the farm for field trips.

Camp kids that bring so much energy and a love of animals to the farm.

Our 4-Hers that continue to amaze us with their accomplishments and eagerness to learn.

Our calves that put a smile on our face everyday,

even when they decide to walk on the wild side and mischievously get out!

For our heifers who keep us on our toes in the springtime when they test their boundaries.

For some of our key cow families that have enabled us to make genetic sales, like “Rescue” (pictured above).

and most importantly….our herd of COWS!

Our cows of all shapes, sizes, ages and colors….

that let us be their farmers!

What are you thankful for?