Fairmont Farm & Market
Farming For Future Generations

Farming Vermont For Over 30 Years
3 Locations in East Montpelier & Craftsbury VT
Our Haven is conveniently located off of Route 14 in East Montpelier, equally distant to Montpelier and Barre. This location is home to our office, our Market and our Summer Camps. The Farm is nestled on top of a hill by the East Montpelier Elementary School. It is both our original location, and what we call our "home farm". It has the most to see as it houses milking cows, calves on milk, and provides the base to our cropping crew; if you have a tour with us this is where it will be located! Our Dairy is in the Northeast Kingdom, this is our satellite location. This farm is home to our older herd, offering comfortable facilities in a quiet setting.
The "Haven"
141 Lyle Haven Road
East Montpelier, VT
This is where we house our Matriarch cows as well as their higher value offspring. We use the milk from these cows to feed our pigs.
This farm is home to our office, our Market and our Summer Camps.

"The Farm"
95 Lyle Young Road
East Montpelier, VT
Currently milking 1,000 Registered Holsteins three times a day.
The “Farm” is home to our young stock as well, we have about 100 calves on milk and another 1,000 heifers ranging from two months old to two years old.
This is also where you can find our beef animals as well as our sheep.
"The Dairy"
781 South Albany Road
Craftsbury, VT
The “Dairy” is milking 450 Registered Holsteins three times a day.
These cows are all bred to Angus beef semen, we market most of the animals but keep a selection to raise for our Market!